Movement Monitoring Surveys
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Do you require Structural/Movement Monitoring Solutions to successfully deliver your Construction/Engineering Project?
We provide Structural/Movement Monitoring Solutions where precise monitoring for early detection of movement/settlement on both the construction and surrounding structures is required. Our highly trained & experienced workforce, employ the latest high precision instrumentation to provide tailored Monitoring Solutions & ensure the safe delivery of Construction Projects.
Do you require a Noise Monitoring Solution to comply with BS 5228?
Throughout our long & successful history, we have worked together with our Clients to deliver creative & cost-effective Monitoring Solutions. We provide tailored Environmental Noise Monitoring Solutions delivered on a shared platform with Live Data available to view & download. Data complies with British Standard BS 5228 relating to guidance on Environmental Noise Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition Construction Sites..
Do you require a Air Quality/Dust Monitoring Solution ?
We provide tailored Automated Air Quality/Dust Monitoring Solutions delivered on a shared platform with Live Data available to view & download. Data complies with British Standard BS 6069 relating to guidance on Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition Construction Sites.
Do you require a Vibration Monitoring Solution to comply with BS 5228 ?
We provide tailored Automated Vibration Monitoring Solutions delivered on a shared platform with Live Data available to view & download. Data complies with British Standard BS 5228 relating to the mitigation of Noise & Vibration caused by a Construction Project.
Do you require a Inclinometer Reading?
Slope inclinometers are geotechnical instruments used to measure horizontal displacements along various points on a pile inclinometer. For this reason, sometimes they are also called borehole inclinometers or simply inclinometers. Slope inclinometers are the most important source of geotechnical data during construction. We find them largely used for measuring deflection in piles during basement construction, due the the retaining nature of the pile itself during excavation the pile is suspect to loading from the rear and therefore deflection.
Do you require Setting Out Solutions to successfully deliver your Construction/Engineering Project?
We provide Medium/Long-Term Site Engineering Resource, Supervision, Quality Assurance & Setting Out throughout a Project’s duration. We can provide an Initial Site Visit to Establish/Verify Survey Control & Architectural Design Site Grid Systems, along with additional visits to maintain Control & ensure you can successfully deliver Projects.
Do you require As-Built Surveys to ensure your Project is progressing as it should?
We produce detailed Construction Verification As-Built Surveys to provide critical information to the Design process allowing Project Managers & Design Teams to document, track & verify positional accuracy/design tolerances across a Project duration. Our Construction Verification As-Built Survey Services include the provision of independent, documented, certification & verification of positional accuracy across a wide range of sectors.